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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Welcome to

Welcome to the weblog This site will chronicle my 9 month sojourn through India. First, though, a little bit about me.

My name is Arpit Mahesh Dave, and I am a PIO (Person of Indian Origin), born in College Station, Texas. Having graduated from Rice University in May 2006, I decided to postpone my entry into medical school by one year. For quite some time I have had the feeling that spirituality will play an important role in my life, so I decided to spend this one year exploring those sentiments while traveling. As a born-and-raised Hindu, the destination became rather obvious - India.

And so here I am.

To begin, I find it necessary to engage in some thank-yous. First and foremost to God for having provided me with everything along the way to the realization of this amazing opportunity. I can only hope that for the rest of my life, I will continue to look back and still come to new realizations of His greatness.

Second, to my amazing family for being so understanding and supportive in this venture. In Indian culture its sometimes common to relentlessly push forward in life toward financial independence without really stopping to engage in any self-assessment along the way. I am ever so thankful that my parents have been so open to the idea of sidelining other plans in favor of my personal, spiritual growth. Special thanks to my sister for spending 30 years of her life paving the way for me. Without her wonderful stubbornness, thoughtfulness, and rebelliousness, none of this would likely be possible.

Third, to my fantastic girlfriend, Mary Niemann, whose warmth, love, and support I also can feel across the Atlantic. Thank you. For everything. I love you.

And last, but not even CLOSE to least, my best friend Andy Boothe, whose advice, well-wishes, thoughtfulness, and constant friendship have helped mold me in to the person I am today. Without his help, the chronicling of this journey would like not have taken place. He set this site up for me at a moment's notice, so for anyone that reads this site, you have Andy to thank.

I'm not entirely certain yet what form this site will take, but I hope among its posts about my travels and insights (spiritual, cultural, etc), you might find something worth reading. Even if just to keep posted on me (if it interests your) or to satiate your boredom.

So without further ado, we begin the journey.

1 comment:

aboothe726 said...

Thanks for the kind words dude. I'm just glad I could help. I'd hate to think that we'd miss out on all your shenanigans in India :)